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This software is dedicated for treatment of experimental measurements of plasma data.
In case of any questions please contact Dr.Yifei ZHU.

Email: Yifei.zhu.plasma@gmail.com
PASSKEy - 02/2021

A two-dimensional drift-diffusion fluid equation solver for low temperature plasmas code generator

Created by Yifei ZHU - yifei.zhu.plasma@gmail.com

Improved by teams from:
Atelier des Plasmas Co, Ltd., Hefei, China
Xi\'an Jiaotong University, Xi\'an, China
Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France

Permission to use PASSKEy is granted, provided that proper reference is made in any publications making use of the
code generated with this software. For specific usage and cooperations please contact the author.

Conditions PHOTOPiC: PHOTO-ionization Parameter Calculator Download Userguide
In case of questions or suggestions. please mail to Dr.Yifei ZHU (Yifei.zhu.plasma@gmail.com)
Please specify the percentage(%) of each gas
  •  N2
  •  CO2
  •  O2
  •  H2O

PHOTOPiC is a online tool to calculate photo-ionization parameters that can be used for numerical simulation of plasma discharges.
A database consisting N2, O2, CO2, H2O are incorporated and will be extended in future updates, The functions of PHOTOPiC include.
(1) Identify the dominate specie that is responsible for photo-ionization;
(2) Calculate photo-ionization functions for all the gases in the mixture;
(3) Fitting for factors of high efficient photo-ionization models;
The algorithms in this software is mainly based on Ref[1].

[1] S.Pancheshnyi,"Photoionization produced by low-current discharges in O2,air,N2 and CO2," Plasma Sources Science and Technology, vol.24,no.1,p.015023,2014.