PHOTOPiC is a online tool to calculate photo-ionization parameters that can be used for numerical simulation
of plasma discharges.
A database consisting N2, O2, CO2, H2O are incorporated and will be extended in future updates, The functions of
PHOTOPiC include.
(1) Identify the dominate specie that is responsible for photo-ionization;
(2) Calculate photo-ionization functions for all the gases in the mixture;
(3) Fitting for factors of high efficient photo-ionization models;
The algorithms in this software is mainly based on Ref[1].
[1] S.Pancheshnyi,"Photoionization produced by low-current discharges in O
2,air,N2 and
2," Plasma Sources Science and Technology, vol.24,no.1,p.015023,2014.