- CH4/O2/He mixture plasma assisted ignition
Pulse discharge plasma is an important plasma in scientific research. Ref [1] discussed the effect
of hybrid repetitive nanosecond and DC discharge in CH4/O2/He mixture. This example file calculates
the similar condition of Ref [1] with configuration files provided.
[1] Mao X, Rousso A, Chen Q, et al. Numerical modeling of ignition enhancement of CH4/O2/He mixtures using a hybrid repetitive nanosecond and DC discharge[J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(4): 5545-5552. - NH3/O2 mixture plasma assisted ignition
Ammonia is a suitable candidate for replacing fossil fuels. Ref [2] studies the effect of hybrid
repetitive nanosecond and DC discharge in NH3/Air mixture. This example reproduces the work in Ref
[2] with detailed input files provided.
[2] Qiu Y, Zhu Y, Wu Y, et al. Numerical investigation of the hybrid pulse–DC plasma assisted ignition and NOx emission of NH3/N2/O2 mixture[J]. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 258: 113078. - ArF excimer lasers
This is an example of how CPCC can be used for calculations that only include plasma
chemistry (like Zdplaskin). Ref [3] studys the pre–ionization process in ArF excimer
lasers and provides theoretical insights for their optimization and design. This example
reproduces the work in Ref [3] with detailed input files provided.
[3] Ma X, Bai L, Zhu Y, et al. Numerical investigation of discharge evolution and breakdown characteristics of ArF excimer lasers[J]. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2024, 33(7): 075012.