- 2021-12-09
New output subroutines are available now. (1) photoionization source term; (2) axial-time plot of species and electric field.
- 2021-11-18
(1) Accelerate the time integration module.
(2) Now the geometry module is more stable when encountering sharp corners. The code will automatically adjust the geometry at sharp corners.
(3) Now the code allows to output specific reaction source terms. Some file formats are refined in output module.
- 2021-11-15
fix several bugs: (1) in previous versions the user may encounter error messages if species(2) is not an ion. (2) add constraint to photoionization strength, as in LMEA mode, it may be 0 in the first step, leading to errors.
- 2021-10-22
Fix the neutral plasma module (from neutral plasma to normal calculation) and remove unnecessary warning messages.
- 2021-05-12
Fix a bug: the "ifluid" flag is a shared variable in the kinetics module now.
- 2021-04-28
Fix dielectric flux boundary that reproduces SDBD paper 2017